Commission status
Commission info & Terms of service
I am doing art commissions, you can see my commission status here, or on my socials.
What do you get?
For most commissions I'm offering currently I offer doing thumbnails, which is a process of iterating and finding the best out of them, making it easier to create a piece that's valuable to you.
Sketch and/or final sketches that you must accept before I continue to the next stage.
Insight and involvement in color plan (depending on the complexity of the commissioned piece)
Full-resolution file (approx.4k size at 300 DPI) of the final Piece. Final file formats are usually PNG.
PSD files are not included with Personal purchases, you can pay extra to get them.
Fully commercial purchases will get the PSD file as well.
We will start with a discussion on what you have in mind, once we reach an agreement, we can move on to payment, and I start working on it asap, after many reviews/feedback and revisions throughout all the stages, you'll be sent a png file.
I will notify you when I have started on your commission.
I'll usually respond in a day or two, so feel free to ask anything.
While I'm working on your commission I will make reviews with you to make sure it is just right for you!
The amount of reviews depends on the complexity of the work.
During the reviews, you will see work-in-progress and these images will usually include a watermark and be smaller than the finished piece.
The time it takes to finish your commission varies from 1 week - 3 months depending on factors such as Power cuts, the complexity of the commissioned piece, and other work.
If anything comes up that will slow the progress of the initially estimated delivery time I will let you know asap.
Once the piece is finished you will receive the full-resolution image. Note that there is no physical product.
Services Not Offered
- Hard gore or nsfw content
- Anthropomorphic art
- Hateful art
Prices and examples
Note: I'm currently only offering Illustrations/paintings, from portraits to full bodys and /or environments. All prices will be in USD ($). However i'll convert them to my currency after coming to an agreement. All of these will include sketch thumbnails to figure out the composition, that's right for your story. * Clicking on the purple text will lead you to a commission form.
Half body $141
Environments $137
Additional Characters: +100%
Complex Backgrounds: +100%
Copyright Share: +50% of the total price.
Rush fee: +50% of the total price.
cancellation fee: +50% of the total price.

By purchasing my services you are agreeing to my Terms of Service listed below:
Firstly, i will not accept payments, until you are absolutely sure you want to go ahead with the commission, and until i give you a slot.
If you have a problem with anything in regards to the commissioned piece please tell me right away so we can find a solution together.
I am willing to change some of my terms for you if you ask before I start on your commission.
I reserve the right to make exceptions when i see fit.
All artworks will include a signature that you may not remove.
To compensate for no refunds, i'll try to make things as easy and most importantly safe as i can, so that you are more likely to be satisfied with the commission.
Every commission is non-refundable, atm. I cannot refund for awhile due to payment complications, mainly being i can't use e-wallets to make transactions out of my country.
I also retain the right to Authorship Credit. Meaning, if you engage in a conversation and are asked of the artist, you must credit it to me, and no one else.
Complexity of the subject might affect the final price, eg., Character design.
I will not draw other people’s characters without convincing proof of their permission, preferably asking them myself.
I reserve the right to decline giving a slot.
You are responsibile if you do not provide important information at the right time. The proper time is in the commission form, before i start the sketch, during the sketch process or anytime I request feedback.
There will be unlimited revisions on a stage basis, You can ask for it on the sketch stage, the rough painting stage, and the finished painting stage. This is to ensure that you get what you paid for, and that it meets your expectations or close to it. HOWEVER, there's no restarts, no starting from scratch. I will ask you for feedback on each stage. If you gave ok in an individual stage i.e., the sketch stage and we moved on to the painting stage, then there's no going back to the previous stage and so on.
Unreasonable revisions will not be valid, such as asking to change every little stroke, and/or changes that that will take too long. However most, reasonable revisions will be accepted, such as changing colors, moving characters or objects, etc.
Major changes to the finished piece will not be accepted, you may pay extra for such changes. Depending on the complexity of the revision asked in the final stage, the price may be equal to or higher than the initial price.
I reserve the right to decline major changes, due to complexity, and/or the extended time it'd take to make such changes.
I offer two types of copyright commissions for Personal use and for Commercial use.
I reserve all rights to commissions made for personal use. I would really appreciate it if you would credit and link back to me when or if you upload the artwork.
Commissions for commercial use, will need to pay x Fee on top of the price, this is a bit complicated and varies on factors. If there's too many unknown factors, i'll have to decline the Project.
We must sign a contract for commercial use, and discuss of the length in terms of months, years, or forever.
If you have bought the commercial rights from me, You are allowed to do anything, from reproducing, selling, promoting, etc. Depending on the agreement we come to through discussion, You may have to repurchase the rights, after X amount of time, unless we come to a agreement of fully handing over the rights.
The buyer is allowed to:
Use the commissioned piece for personal use unless agreed otherwise (you can upload it on all your social media profiles, forums, etc. So long as you're not making money from it in anyway)
Print the artwork and claim the characters as their own, but not the artwork itself.
Use the artwork on their Youtube channel and in monetized videos as long as the artwork itself is not the main subject for the earnings.
The following is considered copyright infringement:
Reproducing/using the copyrighted artwork commercially - means making money off it in any way.
Claiming the artwork as your own.
Removing my signature from the artwork.
Altering the artwork without my consent.
I reserve the full rights to the image and it's use/distribution unless otherwise agreed upon (rights to the image for your own non-personal use may be purchased at any time).
The Payment can be either 100% upfront or split 50% upfront and 50% after the finished piece is approved approval. Payment must be through either Paypal or Payoneer, using INR (₹) as the currency.
I will send you a request for payment. To pay through Payoneer account, you can use either, Credit card, or Bank (only US, EU, UK).
Do not request a chargeback. The chargeback will be declined, as it violates the Terms of Services. Evidence will be supplied of our conversations regarding the commission. You may also be blacklisted.
If you breach the Terms of Service, you forfeit any payment already made.
Terms of service: